In partnership with the Tennessee Department of Transportation, the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Ragan + Smith Associates — and a consortium of dedicated Tennesseans — We are already creating innovative, eco-friendly & creative gateways into Chattanooga & throughout Tennessee. As an organization, our goal is to ‘Be a Friend’ to our state roadways by installing & maintaining aesthetic vegetation & reforestation, protecting scenic & natural resources & designing landscapes that create a sense of place & pride. The Gateway to Chattanooga project alone will include the installation of over 1,000 trees, 1,300 day lilies, 1,200 blue iris’ & over 4 acres of wildflowers.
About Us
It takes a village. Between civic approvals, horticultural consults, landscape design & financial maintenance, The Tennessee Interstate Conservancy, coordinates interstate greenway development from start to finish. Whether in Chattanooga or Memphis — or somewhere along a road in-between, it takes government, business & private support to make each ‘roadway to greenway’ project successful.